
by Ashley   Apr 21, 2009

You're the girl I want to wake up next to,
the one that I will do anything for.
You're the one girl that makes me happy,
you're the one I will marry one day.
Some times you just know when something is right,
well this is one of them.
You're the 7th girl I've ever been with,
you're the best.
Out of all of them,
my feelings for you are the strongest.
Your eyes tell me everything that you can't.
I know that you love me,
your eyes are filled with so much passion, lust, and love.
No one has ever looked at me the way you do.
You make me feel special.
I feel that words can no longer describe how I feel for you.
We've been through so much already,
I can't believe that i fell for you so fast.
We said we were going fast,
and it was all ok with me,
all because I'm in love with you.
You have got to be the most amazing girl I've ever met in my life.
I want nothing more than to raise a family with you, spend the rest of my life with you.
I know that it was hard for you to open up,
but I'm glad you did.
Thank you for letting me in,
theres just one thing you have to let me do,
let me marry you.

<3 <3 <3 I love you Rain. I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove that to you if you let me.


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