by Amanda   May 21, 2009

Trapped in a world where people only see what they wish too, and only believe what they choose.

Where lies are told like they were leaves on a tree and harder to remove then a bad dream.

When the only person you can trust is yourself and even then you have to be careful.

Thinking to yourself, are you the person you want to be, or are you living your life for someone else, as someone else?

To forget you are not alone in the world, there are people that still have souls, to love them with all you have, and pray they never leave you.

When you write for the sake of writing, just to get the words out of your head, yet worried and confused as where they are more dangerous, your mind or paper?

To see the truth staring at you, and to understand how to get it, yet never being able to fully take that step and do what you know you need to do.

Closing your eyes, and picturing happiness, to realizing you have only seen it once before.

To open your eyes, and search for that picture, in all the wrong places, then finally knowing where it went.

TO try your best, to not fall or stumble, yet the darkness is to powerful, and you lost your light!

To pray the worst is over, yet knowing it's not, that even through the tearful nights the pain is coming.

To lie to yourself and say that you will be alright, but know that till the day that picture is back in your life, you will never feel happy.

To feel guilty that you can not make it without doubts, you can't make it a day without wishing things were different, that you had made them different!

With one little word, you could be happy, you could be complete in this moment, if you had been selfish, and said no.

You can not be brave anymore, You can not stop yourself anymore, You can't forget anymore, You can't pretend anymore, You can't live like this anymore!

But You have to be brave, You have to stop yourself, You have to forget, You have to pretend, and You have to live like this... YOU just do.


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