Come Back

by Anna   Jul 12, 2009

I promised I would never leave
That I would always love you
And of course we would both know I was lying if I said I didn't...
Know I still love you...I really do
But I really have to go

I know you don't try to hurt me...
But, you see, you hurt me more than you could ever imagine
Don't hate yourself and please don't be sad
You deserve to smile and laugh
I'm only bringing you down...breaking everything we've ever had

You're still one of my best friends
And don't worry, you'll always have a hold on my heart
Once you love someone there's no turning back
There's no past tense to love and there will never be one
But really, I think we both need a fresh start

I'll beg you not to hate me...
But it's okay if you do
I would be mad if my best friend was leaving too
Hold onto our memories...and please don't forget me
Because one day, who knows, I might just come back to you

I'm still here if you need me
I'll always be here, promise
But i have to try and save myself
Something no one can do but me
Don't forget you help me more than you will ever see

I know I hurt you even though I don't try to
It's human nature really...
But even through all the hurt, we still love each other
I know I can make you laugh
And you sure can make me smile

Can I still be your best friend?
Will I still have a hold on your heart?
Though sometimes I wonder if you ever did love me at all...
I know that may be a silly thing to think
But I'm not going to sit here and let you play with me like a doll

Do you hate me?
I hope not...
I don't know if I could handle knowing you hate me
It's bad enough that I'm not going to talk to you...
Remember I love you...
And one day I promise to come back to you


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