Rendezvous with Nothing New

by Scott E Buttross   Jun 14, 2004

Despite these clouds
I have seen better days
Ocean’s waves
Cary my heart so many
Different ways

The wind that carries
Me now leads me on
But I am always
Forced to go another way
By the barrier reef that
surrounds my heart with
the emotions she gave.

This reef continues to
Grow thicker every day since
That winter when my love
Lost its comrade with whom
I would embark with on each adventure

I was left behind…
I have searched
For another to be mine.
But I always find myself
Lacking the desire for a different

She was the one who I wanted to find.
And I have cried rivers only
To settle those waves that pull me away
Now cold rain leaves me without
I cannot make a decision
Which way to go.
So I always return back
To the emotions only she use
To know.

-Scott E Buttross

Copyright ©2004 Scott E Buttross


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kristina K

    Hey Scott. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of poetry. Great job in putting this piece together. Excellent use of words and a very nice flow. I very much loved the imagery. You have a talent for writing poems and I would like to encourage you to keep on writing. I'm glad I came across your poem. I very much look forward to reading more. Take care always.