Men lie

by Rayarra Jones   Jul 22, 2009

I hate who I am
I hate who I've become
a victim of man
a victim of someone
made to tell lies
living the greatest lie
a smile pasted on my face
yet I still can't help but cry
He devours me like a disease
or a rabbit dog let loose
men were born evil
they were made in those shoes
a heart is just a play thing
and the truth is never true
love does not exist
but in the lips of the liar telling it to you
relationships are failures
monogamy is a hopeful thought
that has got lost in the fold some how
or has been left cold in the pot
give a man all you've got
and he'll return the favor with mercury
that gives you mad hatters disease
specifically designed to hurt me
A man is just a man
and a man is never true
Love is just a falsehood
that some man has told to you


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  • 15 years ago

    by XxLastHopexX

    =(...that was sad....but well written. keep it up.