Comments : The Addict

  • 14 years ago

    by Ben

    I like this poem A LOT! How the addiction can really get you up and high, but as soon as the sun "sets" and the moon rises and you realise the you have failed to fight the addiction once again. Now the addict is so stuck on it, he doesn't really try to hard to fight it....Playing the addiction game, to get the perfect high until his death....
    5/5 Good job....(maybe I read into it in a not so deep or wrong way, but not matter it was still good)

  • 14 years ago

    by victoria

    WOW....just WOW. that was unbelieveable. So well written and so true. There are no words. I absolutly LOVED this ones of yours. You have a very strong ability to capture a readers attention and lead them to the very end.


  • 13 years ago

    by momopixie18

    Wow,this was really good.very true.

  • 13 years ago

    by momopixie18

    Once upon a time I could control it, now I wish I can
    - its hard to pick a fav. line i like all of it, but this line touched me the most