Comments : Sinking.

  • 19 years ago

    by gasping for air

    GREAT.... i hate to say that about a depressing poem, no one should be that depressed... its not good.... but you put intense emotion into this poem.... maybe i like it so much cuz i can relate.... but yeah, you have talent... thanx for reading a couple of my poems... im going to read more of yours if you have some, and if its nto too much to ask i'd love it if you could read some of mine... there's alot of them, but if you can read one or two now and then that'd make my day....

  • 19 years ago

    by Danielle

    Well, I'm not gonna preach to you like that girl up there did! But I am going to tell you that you have one hell of a talent! All your emotions and all your feelings show immensely through your work. I do hope that you get through this that your going through. It's a horrible thing being depressed. I speak from experience. I hope you find your way! :(
