Comments : Plastic

  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    All stanza's flow and rhymes is very good and the word choice is truly great..meaningful and full of moral messages...
    Life is forever changing,
    black and white turns grey.
    While frowns and smiles blend,
    and night fades into day.
    yeah, you're right life is like sunny side up..routinely changing from sunrise to sunset..all things faded away cause time also passes by...i like your thoughts here...very imaginary..

    Things are never as they seem,
    Pain hides behind plastic cheer.
    And every heroe's courage,
    Is surely wrought with fear.
    Sometimes, we used to hide our feelings into smile just only to see people that we are happy and nothing wrong...i love the word you used "plastic cheer"..a brilliant thoughts...

    Almost parts flows perfect..natural and simple but very vivid..i like the way you style it..great piece 5/5

  • 10 years ago

    by VeinsofHate

    "Enemies are just like friends,
    for neither is truly loyal."

    my favorite part. cause sad to say this can be true. just beautifully written