You make me feel like life is worth the while.

by Cheris Blair   Jan 18, 2010

Ever feared the thought of ,loosing something precious. Dispite all the faltered mistakes the uncounted heart breaks. the sense of watching you walk away the fear and at the time being unaware of your actions... To believe you were 100% faithful but he wasn't sure, you had a few mixed up situations but in the end you knew you were in love.. You now have distant hopes and dreams, are you going to endure your new days to come or dwell in the regretful past you now share with the world, one where you have no option of another chance...
One day love will return and come back into the palm of your hand never to slip away.. the feelings he makes you have, the emotions he watches you express, the way he hugs you from behind sends shivers down your spin and makes you fall in.. the way he forever lingers beneath your heart... gasping for you to show how you feel but never gaining the strength to release...
Many call you crazy for holding on, though the feelings still remain the same, most say its only a short phase but it instantly turns into a long term obsession.. you remember exact quotes ... immediate reactions.. though he speaks of small corny sayings your heart evolves and grows but melts soon enough. then forming a beautiful everlasting smile painted among your face.. your just trying yo rush through get by based on life without pain.....
There shouldn't be a limit to the chances you give out, as long as love is the factor for the reason your giving so many then follow it and believe it ... dint let that special person slip away if your sure they could be the one..


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