The Strongest Love

by Ashley   Feb 28, 2010

It seems I was right.
You didn't pick me,
Once again,
You chose her.
We fought all day.
Now it's my turn to
Speak my mind,
Tell you what I really feel.
I can feel that we'll never talk again.
You'll no longer be there,
You won't be the one I call on.
It's all done,
It's finally ended.
Is that ok with you?
Because it most certainly
Is not ok with me.
I fell in love with you,
It happened,
It wasn't a lie.
But when we awoke,
It was all different.
You were very distant.
Did you realize it was wrong?
That you,
For the first time ever,
Cheated on a girlfriend.
It shouldn't have happened,
But it did.
And you woke up,
Got out of bed,
And got dressed.
Before you walked out the door,
We shared a couple kisses.
The last kisses we'll ever share.
Things happened,
They are stuck in my brain forever.
I close my eyes,
I can see you in my bed.
We went far enough,
For me to regret,
But not too far.
I saw it coming.
I knew you'd go home,
And it would all change.
And it did.
I asked if the night made you more confused,
You simply said it didn't.
I asked if you were still confused.
And you said you knew who you wanted,
But you had to go.
Later though,
I found out,
This girl that you wanted,
She wasn't me.
She was your girlfriend.
The one you fight with,
The one who treats you like crap.
Here I was,
Trying to treat you the way you deserved,
And you threw it in my face.
You said you were sorry.
I decided to tell my friends,
So going back to school...
Might not be as bad.
But she sent you a text.
Then you blew up at me.
Like it was all my fault,
Yeah she treated me crappy,
But she's there for me now.
You guys argued.
And I defended her,
Not you.
When it comes to love,
I'll defend you every time,
When it comes to friendship,
She will win over you every single time.
That's just how this game goes.
We argued because of her...
She's going to give you your things back,
I do not wish to see you.
We always said we could never go back
To the way things were.
Pretending we didn't know each other,
It was too hard,
Close to impossible.
But here we are,
About to go back.
We were fighting over stupid things.
We're the same people we were a year ago.
Maybe that's the problem.
But you chose her over me,
So please explain how you expect me to believe,
You really truly care and love me.
She says you used me,
A part of me wants to believe it,
But I can't,
Because I know it's not true.
The tears I shed,
What are they worth to you?
Do they mean anything to you?
Because they mean the world to me.
You made me shed tears,
How could you do this to me?
You ripped my heart out,
Shattered it,
And stomped on it.
I'm broken beyond repair.
I just lost the love of my life,
My soul mate,
My best friend,
My ally,
My whole world,
Quite frankly,
My everything.
I know you didn't mean for this to happen.
But it did,
And here we are.
Here I am broken.
And what will you do?
Just let me argue with you,
You never used to let me do that.
Everything's changed.
Make it go back.
Let's go back,
To when it was just us...
Make this pain go away...
Love me again,
That's how long we were supposed to last,
It's just another never...
I love you.
So if she's the one that makes you happy,
Then you should be with her.
I love you so much,
All I want is for you to be happy,
Even if that means I'm miserable.
My love for you will never end.
This is the one forever I can really truly promise...
I will love you until the day after eternity...
This is the strongest love...


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