Comments : A golden heart (and fur to match)

  • 14 years ago

    by Minkus

    Nitpicks: None. Maybe I'll look at recent poems instead of going to the r/v/c forum more often; this is the second one in a row I haven't had to pick apart for grammar, spelling, and usage. :P

    It's funny that I didn't really think about the title until I read this stanza:

    They enjoy the little things
    Like a treat here and there,
    A walk around the block,
    Being praised for coming when called,
    And all the love and affection that follows

    I read the line "Being praised..." and thought, hmmm... that's a little odd, and then I realized it was talking about your dog. Being a huge dog lover myself (we have 7 in our backyard right now, 4 of them puppies that should have been gone 2 months ago according to the local laws) I think I can say I totally understand every part of this poem, including the deep feeling after the loss, which non-pet-lovers might question. Anyway, the poem was great (especially the last few lines before the memorial) and let's hope together that all dogs really do go to heaven!

  • 14 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Even though I've never had a dog, I've always wanted one and I feel your pain. A dog is like having a best friend no matter what u say, how you look, or how you feel that day. A dog will always love it's owner no matter what and that is extremely precious. My deepest sympathies to you.

  • 10 years ago

    by don

    Beautiful poem, I adore animals,


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    A wonderful dedication to your dog friend.
