Comments : Selfless or selfish

  • 12 years ago

    by mandy

    ..."of an otherwise artistic soul
    who really has a soft heart
    but pretends to be rock hard
    as soft as a soapstone
    that can break easy
    and as porous as a pumice stone
    full of see through holes"

    - I loved this. The way you describe yourself was moving, artistic and relatable to many. 5/5

    A great write. What I got from it was that people always try to figure each other out, prying and examening, when we ourselves have many flaws.

    mandy :)

  • 12 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    Mandy: Thank you for your generous comments. Just a little correction, this poetry is not about myself, but someone wonderful who I met a year ago (see my profile), who misunderstood my character and herself. Her hidden blog revealed sadness and misadvetures which were very moving.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Let's see.

    "and as porous as a pumice stone
    full of see through holes"

    Nice simile.

    I liked how you started saying the opposite of each word to make an emphasis that anyone can be like each of those.. We don't know how some one really is until we take our time to get to know them.

    Also what I got from reading this is that often times those who seem or pretend to be the toughest are in fact the one's that need more love.

  • 12 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    You are very right about your interpretation of those who pretend to be the toughest need more love and care.

    Try the Italian version of this poem (for fun):

    30 gennaio 2011

    Altruistico o egoistico
    buffo o serio
    sensibile o insensibile
    dotato o non dotato
    talento o superficiale

    umile o un tizzone
    a sangue caldo o a sangue freddo
    morbido o di pietra
    preoccupare o crudele
    passivo o aggressivo
    appassionato o impassibile
    il warmhearted o crudele

    ciò che fa so
    Sono appena un nessuno
    qualcuno che ha preso bruciato
    dal lato caldo
    di quella lingua impetuosa
    di un'anima altrimenti artistica

    chi ha realmente un cuore morbido
    ma finge di essere la roccia dura
    tanto morbido quanto una steatite
    quale può rompere facile
    e tanto poroso quanto una pietra di pietra pomice
    pieno di vede attraverso i fori