A lonely soul

About A lonely soul

Destiny is very unpredictable, even for those who once had everything in life. No one can predict what life really has in store for us.

Until you find what your destiny is, I believe happiness is all what you can give to all who surround you, for there are people in greater need of love and friendship, than yourself.

Many in despair have yet to discover that true happiness lies hidden within themselves, waiting to be unleashed. Give, not ask, and perhaps we will one day discover true happiness ourselves!

Profile of A lonely soul

  • Age : 46
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, California
  • Joined : Jan 13, 2011
  • Last Visit : 2 months ago
  • Poems : 36
  • Comments : 369
  • Quotes : 31
  • Posts : 797
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By A lonely soul

Latest Quotes By A lonely soul

  • There would be no smile without a tear shed,
    No true love without a true loss
    No life without the thought of death first
    No pleasure without a real struggle,
    But, once on the top the view is great

    11 years ago
    1 0
  • Share your love, but not the key (password) to your heart, unless you know beyond doubt that someone truly loves you, unconditionally.

    12 years ago
    1 0
  • You can win hearts just by your goodness, and lose someone by the expectation of them loving you back. You will find, love will never cease to flow in your direction, if you do not demand it, but demonstrate it.

    12 years ago
    1 0

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