Comments : Bend

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    Aaawwww!! This is sooo fairy-tale ish... Damn man...makes me even believe in love again.
    This is so pure and sincere....I agree with britt the second stanza,lovely!

    This was my favoriteeee

    waiting for me
    to let go of a safe-ridden
    and believe in trust.

    I pictured two people dancing carelessy on the streets..during this whole piece...
    You've made it so clear.....painted such vivid images with words...

    Very well done! I'll probably come back and read this..

    Defently my cup of tea!:)

  • 13 years ago

    by ECILA ice

    I can perfectly and clearly imagine everything like those of love stories and movies I've seen. I like how you end the poem so passionate and full of hopes.