Comments : Where's the Logic?

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    OMG..I almost had a heart attack when I went to your I take a break and I come back with you posting a thousand new poem
    BAH...Naughty little womb..-_-

    Well okay, the poem is seriously amazing,
    I love the title (all of them :D) and I was fond of
    your opening stanza, as much as the body ones, and closing one, which makes the poem
    very strong and likable, i enjoyed each single damn line , loveeeeeyy!

    Somehow I wish for you to meet me
    in all the places I visit unplanned-

    how very strong, and how very effective..
    can u imagine the depth here?
    when you want to meet someone thay way, means
    unplanned, means by FATE..means
    soooo heatfelt and so sweet.
    Just to meet suddenly without expecting it,
    like soul mates do :)

    somehow I wish for you to receive
    little messages running through my head.

    simple but very strong,
    I can relate,
    it would be great if they can just understand what the eyes sparkling meant,
    and what we had running in this little head of hours (not the naughty parts tho lol)

    It is simple to desire a close friend
    who will aspire and sit you through
    a falling night, to lift you up again.

    awww very touchyyy, yes, so TRUE,
    and so relatable,,,,this is just amazing and WOW...mhhhmmm
    <3<3hearts it. because we all need this
    close person to lift up the frown at hard times..
    wonderful you wonderful womby

    It is tiring to live in anticipation
    where I wait for you to nod or talk
    casually while noticing in class;

    PERFECT description, left me out of words--
    man this was like I could feel your feelings,
    could imagine u sitting there impatient..and just
    maaaannnnnnnnnnnnn how well said this part was..

    I'm not here, spurting at the mouth
    looking for drama at this age,

    ^^very wisse, and mature, and makes a veyr strong point, to relfect what you really are looking for.

    I just want genuine closeness
    to be nothing but an honest friend.

    :) i wanna damn hug u hahaha (well no no imagine me the guy XD, cause thissssss

    Truly frightening how I
    love you deeply true,

    deeply truly, would really sound better

    how I pray for all family
    whatever happiness
    as long as it makes you safe.

    the part here, shows how humble you are deep down,
    how caring, how generous, and how you are the type that sacrifices for the sake of those you love..
    very kind and very sweet person!

    Maybe when trains finally stop
    you can be a last passenger,

    OMG,, this gave me goosebumps..
    amazing,,amazing imagination..
    like at the end of the touched

    instead of bisecting lanes
    we can draw a line....together,

    you touched me again here, and felt like the hair on my flesh will pop offff and dance around..omg...
    it makes me think of making a life plan with the person we love, after destination :)and arrival of the hearts..

    to know what little time we have left,
    embrace possibilities of friendship.

    perfect, and touchy and well ended, and
    strongly said and
    you can change into friendship section,
    but seriously its drenched with love and
    affection and passion..

    amazing girl!
    five five five five
    and more fivess..

  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    It is simple to desire a close friend
    who will aspire and sit you through
    a falling night, to lift you up again.
    It is tiring to live in anticipation
    where I wait for you to nod or talk
    casually while noticing in class;
    I'm not here, spurting at the mouth
    looking for drama at this age,
    I just want genuine closeness
    to be nothing but an honest friend.

    ^^ I thought this was so sincere and sweet :) I, as a reader, truely could feel your honesty and I really liked this stanza because of that!

    Maybe when trains finally stop
    you can be a last passenger,
    instead of bisecting lanes
    we can draw a line....together,
    to know what little time we have left,
    embrace possibilities of friendship.

    ^ The train was a great analogy!! I loved that you ended the poem like that!
    great piece!