Comments : People

  • 13 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Okay Nana, I am really enjoying reading each other's poetry back and forth- I am learning a lot :)

    The title drew me in as I didn't know what you would necessarily be focusing on- the attitudes of people, their human this was super interesting with the background of war & weapons we hold.

    "If I was to give in
    all these weapons I
    hold so dear,
    who would give up
    his gun for me ?"

    This kind of created for me a bit of pondering...I had to mull over this one. if you let go of all your cherished weapons, you would want someone else to have that same sacrifice when then saw you?

    some people enjoy
    damage, but I only
    enjoy the roar of
    each bullet I heave
    behind the curtains,"

    This was such an independent voice here- so thoughtful and true...others love to see the massacre created but you look like you enjoy the art, crafting those bullets and analyzing their journey to targets. Not sure if I grasped it all hehe! Okay now I get it, you enjoy keeping them behind the curtains until you are meant to bring them out to those trusted for a specific purpose, for the good and safety of society, not just always handling them in open air.

    "'cause some people,
    are not meant
    to be

    Some words well phrased and something that is a bit hard to understand.....while we push for freedom sometimes it cannot be so in cases, trust is hard to come abide and you can never be too careful.

  • 13 years ago

    by ECILA ice

    Wow! this one is perfect..i enjoy reading this.. adept that maybe interpreted in different angle. each chosen words have the vivid emotion that readers like me are looking for.