Comments : Fate can be late, but can't wait

  • 12 years ago

    by Meme

    It seems that the train of inspiration made two stops on your way today, anyways .. Lets give a review :)

    Write gently, miserably
    some hollow poems of
    former times,
    you lost.
    Just write, let it all out, wether iys about the good things or bad .. Just write, I love this phrase :)

    Note down yearning
    dreams, and passionate
    wishes of if only,
    or recall a missing once upon
    a time.
    How did write those lines? I wish I had the talent to write something like this .. Fav verse for sure

    Cry quietly for love
    at eventide,
    on summer nights
    and spring days.
    To all the cries and tears given to love, for the sake of love ..

    Pray for your other half,
    for a love that shall
    come again
    to suddenly knock
    on your door,
    when unprepared
    yet when you're
    waiting right there.
    I loved how you used the word "Pray" in those lines, praying for that special thing to find you where you still stand, just waiting ..

    Once again, you excelled 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    Very Lovely


  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    "you lost."

    I would change the "you" here to "you've". Reading it out loud it seems to have a smoother transition :)

    "Cry quietly for love
    at eventide,
    on summer nights
    and spring days."

    This broke my heart but made me fall in love with this poem at the same time. It was beautifully penned.

    The ending gave an unexpected twist that I didn't think this poem was going. I loved that surprise and thought it was uniquely written. You have serious emotion here, Nana. This poem is brilliant.

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    0am really sick of writing and commenting....reading and wowing but what the hell??? am obliged to! ur writes are amazing, tho i spent the whole day on ur poems haha but its not a waste of time for sure!!! on the contrary,,,,it is something i always enjoy!

    VERY well-written nana VERY well-written i ur poems about life...they're wise and flawless!