
About nouriguess

It's a wonderful world!

Profile of nouriguess

  • Age : 28
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Syria
  • Joined : Jul 8, 2011
  • Last Visit : 1 week ago
  • Poems : 281
  • Comments : 1013
  • Quotes : 2
  • Posts : 5266
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By nouriguess

  • I stare at her toothbrush
    on the bathroom counter. I wasn't planning...

  • Utopia (1) 1

    I didn't know what a massacre is then.
    I didn't know what it entails...

  • Last night, the rain raged for six
    hours straight, for me to wake up to...

  • You've never
    been to Palestine...

  • Let me guess.
    Tonight, you're scrolling through...

Latest Quotes By nouriguess

  • - Mom, do rich people die like us?
    - Yes, they do, sweetie. But not like us.

    10 years ago
    9 0
  • Sometimes, I can't tell whether it is my weak will, or your strong perfume.

    12 years ago
    8 0

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