Story of two new friends

by Sabre   Sep 6, 2011

There was a Boy nd a Girl,
They were new friends,
In there new frendship, they could Talk for hours nd text each other for days,
When They were Together;
Not a single Sad Thought could cross their Minds, :)
everything was Great, But One Day;

The girl did not Answer any Call or Reply to any Text for a Day,
The Boy was worried that something was Wrong..:(
at night both could not Sleep..,
nd It was then that they Realized how much they Mean to each othr..? :(

The next Morning;
The Boy woke Up from a Phone call.., It was the girl..:)

Girl : Hi..,
Boy : I m so glad that you Called Me, What happened to you yesterday ??
Girl : I was Busy wid Family get togethr
[The Boy took it that ways]
Girl : You know..; We should Stop talking..!
Boy: What??.., But Why ?? :(
Girl: I am Sorry, Bye..! :(
[She Disconnected the call, 'n He Felt as She has got engaged]

Everything else Flashed in His Mind,
Tears :(Cars running by Him..Roof of some building..������¢���¯���¿���½���¯���¿���½n Sunset..
[He couldn't understand the truth..]

On the other side
The girl was soo Lonely, nd was broken..:(
Her heart wanted to jump out!
She was the One..! Why.. Why I had to do dis??
She Screamed at the Top of her Voice:(

[She called Him Up again as she couldn't stop herself]
Girl: hi!!
Boy: Why are you calling Me?
Girl: I need to tell you Something..
Boy: Shoot.. I mean Go Ahead.
Girl: I Just Wanted You to know one thing before we stop talking!
Boy: Tell me..!
Girl: Something I am hiding from you!! I am dying!!
Girl: Arree Nothing to worry.. I will be al right but need some time.
[Though she was crying nd was broken off..!]
Boy: Ok You take care of urself. Talk to you soon. I am always there for you!!
[She started keeping distance from the boy, as she never wanted to get him hurt.]

[Few days passed.. This is Girls birthday!! He called her up]
Boy: Are you All right? Happy B'day!!
Girl: Hey Thanks!!
[Boy was unaware that it was girls best frend on the other side]
Boy: So how is your health now!!
[Girls frend told him every thing about girls medical problems!!]
[Boy was concerned and wanted to see her. But she refused to meet him]
Boy: U please stay in touch always..
[When the girl came to know that her best frend has spoken to the boy nd has told him every thing, she broke off nd felt helpless again..]

[She decides to write to him as she doesn't know how would she face the boy.]
Girl: Dear Frend, it was my best friend you were talking yesterday. I don't want to communicate with you further as I don't want to hurt you more!! And PLEASE DO NOT RPLY OR TRY TO CONTACT ME!!
[The Boy did not reply.]

[After a month, she recovered and she was missing the boy so she decides to contact the boy again]
Girl: Can we be friends again Please!!
[Boy disconnected the call, nd she Felt as If Somebody had Slammed the door on her face. Then She made up Her Mind to make another Try to get His friendship back..!]
Girl: Sorry.........Sorry...........Sorry!!!!!!!
Boy: Please do not call again!!
[She tried but may be he doesn't really Care about Her,
She Thought! She wasn't His friend in the first Place...
Tears were slowly running Worst :( She lost her friend But why!!]
[The Boy was fed up of her unpredicted behavior nd decides to breakup with her. And the girl failed to make him understand why she did this.]


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