My biggest fear

by Aaron   Dec 4, 2011

When I talk to her
She's always bored
My minds just a blur
I don't think I've scored

Does it mean im not a good boyfriend?
And our relationship's coming to an end?
Or I'm just no fun
And shes looking for a stun?

Am I really that bad?
Or just being sad
What do i do
I have no freaking clue

Worried she will cheat
cause she's not feeling complete
Find another man
Have another life plan

If I lost her
I would die
It would be like a slur
One more dead guy

Shit scared what will happen
Who else she might be tappen
Another girl gone
At the light of dawn

Lost her to another man
Not part of the plan
This is my biggest fear
Now I've made things clear

I can't let her go
and I can't make my feelings show
Except in a rhyme
Which takes it's time

I'm hoping she will stay
And not end up becoming stray
And walking away
Making her way
To another guy
By I slowly die
As i watch her just walk by

This is how i feel
I would never fully heal
If this happened to me
I wouldn't be free

Life would suck
Hopefully get hit by a truck
Cause i just don't give a f**k
Let my life end
One more lost friend

No one would care
I'm just a waste of air

If she was having an affair
I would be aware
My heart would be broken
I would be unspoken

This is my biggest fear
Hopefully it will become no where near


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