Comments : Anima (Etheree)

  • 12 years ago

    by Sunshine

    OMG, this is amazing, just like everything else you write. such a very simply written yet damn a FORM poem with such a great feeling, it just felt good to read it, felt good to reach the ending words....

    oh Larry! Well done

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Another awesome formed poem by you Larry. Loved it!!!

    I wonder though, the image for me was two lovers in bed, though I wonder why she moves when you reach for her.

    Short but making me think!!!


  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Yeah, I agree with the above comments. It leaves the reader with a question... And many answers to it.

    Why does she moves off when you reach her?
    1.. Realizes she is in the wrong place
    2... She is just playing
    3.. Not sure...that's how the author decided to write it.

    But really well done.

  • 12 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    To Lioness & Everlasting:

    The answer lies not in the bed
    but somewhere else instead;
    the clues are in the title above
    & in line three - no ordinary love.

  • 12 years ago

    by L


    Thank you for the hint. I failed to noticed the title.

  • 12 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    In Jungian psychology the anima/animus is personified in the subconscious and incorporates the archetypes of the opposite gender. The aspect of Rhiannon is the unconscious ideal mate. However, this archetype often overlaps with the shadow: that part of us which reflects the negative aspects we seek to deny. Consequently, the fear of revelation sets a whole defense mechanism into play, giving rise to the myth of the ideal woman (Rhiannon) who maintains a distance until deliberately and directly approached (self-analysis).
    The great tragedies in everyday lives are caused by a projection of the anima/animus onto the current object of affection, then feeling deceived by the other person when discrepancies & faults become manifest. In reality, it is the discovery of the real person, through the 'glamour' of the projected unconscious that causes the discord. An ideal relationship is described both by physical/emotional compatibility, and by accord of the couple's respective anima & animus; this ideal couple is called the syzygy.

  • 11 years ago

    by Kumar kainth

    Hi dear,this is nice