A Gift

by mike ernst   Feb 8, 2012

Wise men tell us life is a gift
A gift to be held in the highest regard, something to cherish and be truly thankful for

Love is also a gift. A gift like no other
It can be given and recieved, shown and felt
It can be grown, and flourish
But it can also perish, like a flower that gets no sunshine or rain

I was given life, than I won a second chance at a longer life, so that I might find a special flower...a gift

I did find such a flower, beautiful, radiant
like none I've seen before or since
I was so proud of this treasure I'd found, I showed it off to everyone I met

But to soon I took this exquisite flower for granted,
and carelessly put it in my pocket to keep it safe
But there it could no longer get the sunshine and rain it needed to survive

And when I took it out to hold and admire once again,sadly it had died, dried up, then it slipped through my fingers and blew away in the wind...gone was my gift

m. ernst 2012


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