Comments : Penning Her Freedom

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Trees heavy with
    apples in reds and green
    painting the meadows canvas

    ^ I literally said WOW when I read this stanza. Seriously beautiful imagery and metaphor all in one. I loved that!!

    You'll find her
    with notebook in hand
    as the stars blossom

    ^ The use of stars blossoming, omg I loved that you chose "blossom"..I mean really, what a beautiful way to describe a star appearing at night...

    You are so creative Holly, I adored this piece!

  • 12 years ago

    by Moonlit Candles

    Awesome poem. I liked the way this poem was contructed together. Just told a great story. Great work. Nominated.

  • 12 years ago

    by Clown

    Nice, you went from an actual place, to poetry, to a fairy tale, beautifully done. Holly I must say I think I have only read one or 2 poems of yours, and Im not big on commenting at all, but this is wonderful, I absolutly loved it

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Great poem. i never expected Rapunzel at the end. This was very creative of you.

  • 12 years ago

    by Blissful

    What I loved most about this poem was the title! So creative! I loved how you drew the scene right from the beginning so the reader doesn't have to wait too long to figure out the setting. I like to become one with the poem therefore setting the scene in the beginning, as a writer, is ideal. I loved how you described the stars as blossoming. That was so unique and fit so perfectly with your poem. You could have easily said twinkled but I am so glad you didn't! I love how the title was worked into your poem towards the end because it just tied everything in together nicely. Sometimes poetry is the only way we truly do feel free because we are tied down by so many constraints in our lives. Nicely written here!

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    A beautifully written piece. Well done and all the best,