Paul Gondwe

About Paul Gondwe

If you see this..Rate, comment, add me as your favourite or else...or else......i will do nothing but just do it anyway.

And yes its true...'I was indeed born naked'

Profile of Paul Gondwe

  • Age : 21
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : Malawi
  • Joined : Aug 13, 2011
  • Last Visit : 12 years ago
  • Poems : 53
  • Comments : 694
  • Quotes : 14
  • Posts : 1184
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Paul Gondwe

  • Just Read (6) 2

    I believe a few words can open your eyes,
    a few can break your heart and also...

  • Take time to think
    for even a mad man thinks as he...

  • My black skin has people staring
    in awe...

  • I have cried and wept,
    believed and had faith...

  • In my life,
    I have grown to...

Latest Quotes By Paul Gondwe

  • You will always find something that gives you strength in life, wether it be your mum or dad or friends,just make sure you never dissappoint them.

    12 years ago
    1 0
  • Only with life can anything be achieved so dont think you are solving anything by committing suicide.

    12 years ago
    1 0
  • Sometimes i wonder if life is worth my while, a gift i never asked for, but then i see her smile and try to be strong to the woman that gave birth to me.

    12 years ago
    0 0

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