Not a sound came from me

by Ole Carsten   May 11, 2012

Love makes my tongue numb and weak,
like at the dentist, the one I don't seek,
It spread into my mind,
love is really making me blind.

I want to say a lot about you,
trying to create a line but it won't do.
Give me my creativity back,
why is my brain just black?

Please don't go away now stay a bit,
find a line and let it be my hit.
You are smiling at me now,
I am standing there silent like a cow.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Odin Ebbesen

    Hi Ole
    The feelings here are also mine, the poem is bright and shines with love

  • 12 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Sounds like you are frustrated, i know how hard it could be to convey your emotions into a poem and I like how you put that in there as well, it is frustrating but never give up on love. . . . nicely penned poem

    • 12 years ago

      by Ole Carsten

      Hi F
      Yes, that is my point, and I want to write this kind of common stories from my feelings. One minute your are flying, the next might be the crashing moment.
      I am happy for your reply, it make me strive and try harder.

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Just tell her whats on your mind.
    "Love is making me blind" that is a true statement. That is why God has provided us with two eyes, to keep them wide open,

    • 12 years ago

      by Ole Carsten

      Hi D
      I had done that and more, the poem is based on the kind of emotions running faster than your brain, so much to say in so little time, and words don't come easy ... To lean on some songs.
      If I succeeded in telling just this frustration I am happy?

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