Comments : To Noah

  • 11 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Who loves you for real, loves you for who you are and what you will become and whatever you are doomed to be. Who loves you for real never really pays attention to how much you've changed throughout the years because all that matters is love. And only love. And as long as love is there, existed and shining out, there is nothing else to care about. :)

    I enjoyed the read.

  • 11 years ago

    by remimic

    Man, Gray, you're lucky! You get this great, sweet guy, and I'm single! And awww, this was an awesome poem. Very, very, very, extremely sweet

    • 11 years ago

      by Shades of Gray

      I hope he really does mean what he said. Ik he thinks he does...
      ~Shades of Gray

  • 11 years ago

    by JustAnotherPoet

    People change and maybe love changes too because over time, they may realize that they are not in love with the present you but the past you. But I hope that you will always remain yourself and stay true to yourself like what you said in your last part. If the guy likes you, he will still like you because true love never change. So yeah. Great poem!