Comments : Daddy's Destruction

  • 11 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    This is such an amazing piece, chelsey. i know it's truly from your heart and you are hurting. i hope one day your father truly realizes what he has missed and will try to be somewhat in your life.

  • 11 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    Wow, no words coming out from me. Its really touching, I love it.
    I hope things would work out oneday,
    wish you the best<3

  • 11 years ago

    by Thomas

    Amazingly written. The pain that your father caused must have been enormous. I am not in your situation but after reading this I feel what you felt when you wrote this piece.

    A very good way of ventilating your anger and disappointment towards your father, congrats!


  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    OMG Chelsey, How did you write this? I can tell it was full of emotion, such a sad poem but one of longing and aching for the love you deserve...

    I can't speak for amazement but also because of the sadness I felt reading this.

    hugs you...


  • 11 years ago

    by Lioness

    I don't know what to say.

    This is amazing, powerful emotional and just awesome. I am sorry that this is something that you feel, our parents should always be the ones that are there for us but sometimes life does not work out that way.

    I read this and felt like I've gotten to know you a little better because this opened up so much that people will be able to see you more.

    Seriously awesome write.


  • 11 years ago


    So sad Chelsey, so sad, but I'm so pleased you wrote this lovely, thoughtful poem.
    This is excellent work.
    You've opened up your Heart and wrote these words for your Dad.
    This piece is priceless..

  • 11 years ago

    by Andrea broken tears

    Wow, amazizng... right now i feel the same about my dad, and it just keeps getting worse. There was so much emotion in this poem i could almost feel what you were feeling when you worte this..

    Great job

  • 11 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Chelsey, I just read Ben's fathers day piece and I came across this. I don't think my heart can take it anymore :(

    I can definitely relate to not having 'that' person in life who should be there but he is not..

    'I've given in to the habit of biting my nails,
    found plenty of things to google
    and have run out of songs to play
    to keep me from writing this poem to you'
    ^ I felt this a lot of times before. But I've NEVER wrote anything as straightforward as this because I might not be able to write again. I do understand this feeling, and it definitely is not the best feeling ever. Having said that, this is brilliantly penned. Those little habits you portrayed here were so vivid and heartbreaking; those habits only come out when we try to 'forget' about something/someone.

    I won't even copy/paste the next stanzas. But I've done that before. I realized I always want things to be 'perfect', especially when writing about him..

    'The brain cells that others posses,
    the ones that allow them to apologize
    evidently lacks in you'
    ^ This part really broke my heart. It is not relatable in my situation, but knowing that other people are going through harder things makes me stronger and makes me more grateful. I am really sorry though..
    There is an underlying tone of anger here, but it kinda drowns in sadness with the next lines..

    'That way when I read quotes
    of daddies being hero's and kings
    I can finally relate'
    ^ I am totally speechless, Chelsey..

    The ending verses were really breathtaking and overwhelming with sadness.
    Little typos that I thought I'd mention: possess, unknown, when (in '...her tongue whens...'), phones should have an apostrophe, hero's should be 'heroes'...

    Keep writing!

  • 11 years ago

    by Karla

    Excellent Chels!Be strong.