Collector of hearts

by Emma from the Netherlands   Jun 27, 2012

I'm all alone
Staring at my phone
Hoping for a nice message to come along
And listening to a Christina Perri song
She's singing about a guy who has a jar of hearts..
I agree with her at the moment
A lot of guys break your heart
And do tear your life apart
Some guys are so unclear and mysterious
They're probably not even serious..
As if they don't realize how annoying they can be
And that it's not fair towards good girls including me
Guys who text you back so slow
It's so frustrating you know..
Leaving us girls ignorant...
Which I don't understand...
If they were at least honest with you
You would at least know what to do

You wouldn't have to pray
And have the patience of an angel every single day
When things get hard, you suddenly don't hear from them anymore
And then they're cowards who like to make you insecure
We good girls don't deserve that
It makes us angry, annoyed, frustrated and sad
While those feelings are probably not even worth feeling
We should try to find a way of healing
Do not let those guys steal your heart
They should be the ones with their lives torn apart..
Makes you think: are there any good guys out there?
Well, I can say they're rare..
Some guys don't even seem to see who you are
So stupid and it's a shame, might leave a scar
Some want to make it clear by not responding
As if telling the truth is such a big thing...?
I think their stupid and immature behavior should be punishable
Because they cause us to feel invisible
Their behavior is incomprehensible
Some never seem to mature
Want to have some girls here, some girls there, what is it good for...?!
You like it and of course you don't mind
Leaving all these victims behind..
You don't take responsibility
Something we good girls don't like to see..
We deserve better than this
Your stupid behavior is not something we're going to miss
I'm better off without you
My feeling might say something different but my common sense knows it's true
All these guys who are unfaithful
Make us feel miserable
Can't they just stick to one girl..?
Don't let them make you feel like there's something wrong with you
There's something wrong with them, unfortunately there's nothing you can do..

I already find it hard to trust guys
Some guys tell you all these lies
I think it's something a lot of girls recognize
It makes it almost impossible to keep the faith..
The faith in good guys being out there
Where are they? Where...?!
We know they are rare
But they must be somewhere out there...?
I guess we have to have angelic patience and we have to wait and see
If there's someone who likes me for me
And who likes you for you
I hope that wish is not too good to be true
More hoping and waiting we can't do..


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