Comments : Calico

  • 11 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Pure poetry. <3

    Gonna come back in few minutes, be pending. ;;)

  • 11 years ago

    by nouriguess

    First off, I really love the usage of fabric there at the beginning, I felt as if you described being sensitive, vulnerable and maybe blank. I don't know, but it was really interesting.
    I also loved the 'patching up' as if you are completing someone and making them feel warm with you. I could only imagine you hugging someone you love. Of course, I'm going to interprete it this way, haha. What can I say? ;)

    What made me even more interested is the 're' before 'birth', as it's something impossible physically and typically, your metaphor was deep, nevertheless. Then you say that the dawn has lost its light within a shadow (and yes I prefer using 'a' instead of'the') and it makes me remember how pale and dying the light of an early morning is, and the way sometimes in Winter, a small cloud can turn it off. It's just magical and smart.

    I honestly didn't comprehend what you meant by 'Calico' even after I knew its meaning, haha, it's 2:00 am here, almost 2 yes and I'm not thinking properly....but I gotta say that the ending is truly remarkable and it wrapped everything up together.

    I just loved the descriptions here and the way this made me think... I am missing PnQ sooo much (psst, especially you) and the creativity in it.

    Awesome poetry!