Your answer

by Kesley   Oct 5, 2012

You told me you loved me
though you didnt know why i cried every night
your promises were empty but it wasnt that hard to see
i try to veiw life in colour but you perfered black and white
i wanted to veiw the beauty in people but you only focused on the flaws
but you were just as far from perfect
youd wonder about all my withdraws
you never trusted me and youd always over protect
by the days it would just worsen
i am not property
for i am my own person
and you do not own me
there are no more chances
and this is the end of our romances

-Kelsey Mondoux


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  • 11 years ago

    by xXxMidnight SoulxXx

    Lol i swear this is abosolutly CUTE to me since i've never had this but it's really true i love the rhyming sceme in the poem the way it JUST FLOWED so beautifuly on the tongue AND mind this is just a beautiful goodbye 5/5

    Queen Of Me

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