Comments : Shoreline

  • 11 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    This is beautiful. I feel like I can relate to it in a strange way.

    The clocks you speak of, the beats and moments of time feel like a very deep metaphor, it's mesmerizing.

    As I read I could picture you outside, moon shedding a brief light behind you and the calm waves brushing up against the shore. I have no idea what you were doing or even if that what's you wanted to portray but it's a lovely thought.

    5/5 (:

  • 11 years ago

    by Acoustic Odyssey

    Your beautiful words, echo that of an ending relationship. I loved how you used a pendulum, as a simile for good and bad times. It's heart breaking, we try so hard to maintain stability...happiness giving it our all...and then reality hits like a crashing wave.

    There's but one thing though.

    "while i,
    like an edgy wave,
    am trap to this ever gloomy

    ^^ I think trap, should be trapped.

    And as always Queen, a beautiful write.

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This piece makes me think of a woman yearning to sail, to be at peace with someone, or to be with someone, its heart breaking... I can feel the beauty and yearning within this metaphoric piece... and its just beautiful... in the ending, I can visualize her standing by the shoreline... this piece is very emotional and it takes me to memories of my own... very nice!