Acoustic Odyssey

About Acoustic Odyssey

Looking for that rogue piece of peace...

Profile of Acoustic Odyssey

  • Age : 33
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA
  • Joined : Apr 12, 2011
  • Last Visit : 5 months ago
  • Poems : 14
  • Comments : 178
  • Quotes : 0
  • Posts : 6
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Acoustic Odyssey

  • Why do I bother?
    These words will just fade...

  • I used to measure his strength
    by maximum deadlift...

  • Pieces (3) 4

    Hello, my name is Daniel,
    and I'm infatuated with puzzles...

  • There she is, my moon
    lighting my darkness, like a missing piece...

  • When music no longer
    soothes the savage beast...

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