Comments : The Seasons Reaping

  • 11 years ago

    by L

    For the stars have always been upon your brow,
    And yet you do not see their perch,
    For you have forgotten what night is,
    For you are dead in the sea of forgotten woe,
    Your tears filled up this ocean,
    And still you drown in its seas,

    ^^ This part did it for me. Though.. The part about your tears filled up this ocean,.. and still you drown in its seas.. gave me the idea of this someone crying over to you but at the end, she ends up with another. Pretty much that's what I understood from this poem. That this someone is naive that goes and falls for someone else while she cannot see that you love her.. per se.

    I just love the way its written. Once again sorry if I misunderstood.

    • 11 years ago

      by Blood of a Lion

      Honestly you hit the nail on the head. Thank you

  • 11 years ago

    by Hellon

    This poem is written in a style that seems old world to me not unlike the style of Shakespeare but with your own individuality stamped on it. I absolutely love this many beautiful lines which gives the reader so much to think about.

    We are perceived as nothing but wine on old lips,
    A sentiment to a time that is all but forgotten,


    have to say this was my favourite....Enjoyed reading this one which was a suggested read by Everlasting.