Comments : SHUT UP

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This piece reminds me of what I want to say to family member in law of mine.... you just wrote what I find it hard to say to her... This was a moving display of poetry here Cara... I admire poems that make a powerful statement... !!!!

  • 11 years ago

    by mira

    Wow girl i really like the poem and the feeling well done keep it up ok :p

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Love it <3 You are so great at speaking up for yourself, your beliefs and what is right for you. You express so well how you will not be influenced into believing in something which you do not. No one will force you to go down a path you do not want to travel because no one has the right to do this, it is your choice. We have all got this choice and should respect other people's choices too instead of tying to force them to join our paths!

    Great poem.