Comments : Little Eva

  • 11 years ago

    by Kate

    Hmmm, well there are bits of rhyme in this poem here and there, don't know if that is intentional or not but if you do add rhyme then most of the poem should rhyme. Otherwise the flow of the piece is completely thrown off.
    The flow is a little weak in a few places within the poem but over all is good.

    I like the illusion to freedom and love. They almost contradict themselves because love is where you are bonded to one person emotionally, not really free. But, at the same time love can make you feel free. Like free of cares in the world and all others. It's interesting.

    Also, the idea of freedom being a sad thing (since this is a sad poem) is also interesting because usually that is good.
    Is her freedom the bad part or not?
    Since she tasted it yet is not so easily pleased?

    I can see the sadness through decoding some of what you said. Her need to change and hoping that she had his love in return.. also the fact that pleasing her is not a simple task.

    "Searching for starlight,
    She blocked it out.
    She chose you.
    But it seemed to the
    world it was all she desired."

    ^^^ this is probably my favorite part. There is a mix of emotions that lie in these lines.
    The first: she is obviously looking for some kind of light to guide her to where she needs to go. So there is a sense of hopelessness and being lost.
    The second: it has sort of a... sad tone yet it is powerful.
    The third: love is shown here and it adds a key element to the rest of the poem.
    (both the second and third line here are the ones that show love and it isn't in such an obvious way. I like the way you worded it)
    The last two lines: I like these a lot. I don't know why but they seem to produce this feeling of recklessness.

    And the connection between love and recklessness is... well, I like it. I think you show it pretty well in these lines. She doesnt know if the guy really does care about her but she is taking the time and effort to put him first in her life.

    Overall, I liked the poem.