
About Kate


Profile of Kate

  • Age : 27
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA
  • Joined : Apr 30, 2012
  • Last Visit : 2 weeks ago
  • Poems : 135
  • Comments : 536
  • Quotes : 130
  • Posts : 929
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Kate

  • I wonder how long before this bleeding stops.
    My salty tears, no longer antiseptic...

  • I am not cut out for this human heart.
    It bleeds in colors only visible to me...

  • From the windy, cloud-cloaked shore
    I watch the whitecaps blurring the horizon...

  • Securely tucked in their warm glow,
    The frost in my chest begins to thaw...

  • I could disintegrate with a gust of wind.
    My bones and body feel brittle and hollow...

Latest Quotes By Kate

  • To anyone who voted for my poem “Starshine,” thank you!

    5 months ago
    0 0
  • I’ve grown roots in my bed.
    And as my mind and body continues to rot,
    I hope something beautiful
    Will sprout from the cavity in my chest.

    5 months ago
    1 0
  • I don’t want to create a place where you’re not comfortable. If you want to talk, I am here. But it is not an expectation. This is as much your creative outlet space as it is mine. Don’t let me be a bother.

    7 months ago
    1 0

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