What will happen if trees are gone

by Sakura chan   Mar 15, 2013

Trees are gentle, trees are cool,
Trees give us so many things
But I wonder what we give them in return.
Trees give us fruits, furniture and paper
We give them fertilizer but that is all,
Trees give us oxygen and we give carbon dioxide,
But these are few things that we give them every time!
We should not cut trees unnecessarily,
For they might ruin the animal's habitat
And make our earth hotter.
Let us think
That day by day
When trees are starting to fade away,
The Earth will start global warming!
And that wouldn't be very charming,
Then there would be nothing called green in nature
And that will be our future!


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  • 11 years ago

    by L

    Nice thoughts, though I feel this piece needs a bit of editing. You see there are some parts that sound rocky. Kind out of flow. Other than that I agree with the idea.

    • 11 years ago

      by Sakura chan

      Ahh i agree with you~ thanks for your advice :)