Comments : Ghost Ship

  • 11 years ago

    by myonlymoon

    This is such an interersting write, I see a lot things going on visually.

    "It does not live but it feels
    and it doesn't feel alive."

    ^ This line sucked me in, I get the sense here that whatever this apparition is, it's evil... Or isn't supposed to be "alive".

    "Can you dream of the voyager?
    All alone and only lost;
    a titan and a ghost ship,
    on course,
    but silently forgotten...

    It dreams of us."

    This part confirms that slow ghostlike apparition but it makes me feel sad about whatever this ship is with your use of the words "alone" and "lost". And I'm rocked by that finally line "It dreams of us." I'm feeling like it wants to be in our world, with the living but its stuck beyond that, in this strange quiet place. This Such an interesting write here... Good job!

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Oh mercy... you took me on a ghost ship, drifting on the haunted sea... this piece reminds me of the "ghost soldiers" in Lord of the Rings... truly a wonderful write.. love the in depth, eerie and captivating feeling this gave me Taylor!

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Oh mercy... you took me on a ghost ship, drifting on the haunted sea... this piece reminds me of the "ghost soldiers" in Lord of the Rings... truly a wonderful write.. love the in depth, eerie and captivating feeling this gave me Taylor!

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I agree with Crystal... it is a very visual poem and you added so much into it for the mind to see and not only to read.

    Well done on making your title work, you done a great job and came up with a little adventure for your readers to embark on!

  • 11 years ago

    by Sinclaire

    Can you see it?
    can you dream it-
    drifting on its course?

    ^^The questions in this stanza sucked me in, I like how you asked questions to start it off, it's a nice choice.

    feel the cold metal -
    never rusting - beneath
    the golden fingers of
    your prying mind.

    ^^Your use of punctuation is great, the pausing makes a nice impact in this poem.

    It does not live but it feels
    and it doesn't feel alive.

    ^^I feel so much sorrow in this, it's really an interesting thought. What could it feel like? Numb perhaps, I guess you can feel numbness, but a perpetual numbness would be very much be hell.

    It breathes such
    sweet, endless sorrow
    that would crush the
    souls of lesser stars -

    ^^This stanza is beautiful, I love the image this brings to mind. It's chilling in a way.

    while ghosts whisper
    memories of earth;
    long since lost behind.

    ^^ I've seen so many movies and read many books where ghosts are in them. Usually their souls are tortured and trapped between realms of the afterlife. It's seems to me as if you've captured the image of that. (at least in my mind)

    Can you dream of the voyager?
    All alone and only lost;
    a titan and a ghost ship,
    on course,
    but silently forgotten...

    It dreams of us.

    ^^Again, beautiful imagery. I picture a faded looking ship beneath the stars in an overly calm ocean. It literally painted a picture in my mind. I love the ending as well. This poem is quite lovely.

    I also noticed that you use very little capitalization throughout this poem, I'm wondering if there is a reason for that?
    I know most people have preferences or do it to make emphasis (Or other reasons) but I'm just curious as to your style and if you had a reason.

    • 11 years ago

      by TSI25

      I tried to only capitalize at the beginning of sentences.

      similarly im a bit shocked that no one has guessed that this is about the Voyager I interstellar probe but i guess it really is THAT MUCH out of everyone's mind.

  • 11 years ago

    by Rusheena

    So much vivid imagery in this, love it! You really made this title your own, way better than I did, haha. I love the eeriness (that's a word, right?) of the description of the ship.

    "It breathes such
    sweet, endless sorrow
    that would crush the
    souls of lesser stars -"

    Even though it's a ghost ship, it seems to have a life of its own.

    I love this stanza:

    "while ghosts whisper
    memories of earth;
    long since lost behind."

    I shows the longing of the ghosts and how much wish they could have a second chance at their old lives, very tragic.

    Again, you did a great job with the title challenge. Nice work :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    You are superior! My favorite part is this:
    feel the cold metal -
    never rusting - beneath
    the golden fingers of
    your prying mind.

    The titanic story is loveable to almost everyone.
    This is a master piece.