Comments : Blazing Souls

  • 10 years ago

    by JaneDoeWrites

    I liked the subject this write is based on- two fiery soul trying to merge together. This speaks volumes to me because it's also something that is also popular in a lot of my writes... You have great potential, I want to see more!

  • 10 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    First stanza: I love the fireworks metaphor for the passion burning, the two souls conjoining together to make one. The start of something that burns rapidly.

    Second stanza: One moment the love these two people share is wonderful, happiness radiates...but yet after that moment passes, a cold front moves in. I've seen many relationships start and end that way. One extreme to the other. It is a big question whether these two people can stay in that type of environment for so long before they completely crumble.

    Third stanza: This stanza reminds me of the common known saying "Walk through hell and back together" ... meaning they have pulled through any obstacle, no matter how hard or difficult, they done it together.

    "holding hands firmly grasping the bond
    you feel but cannot see."

    ^You both know you love each other, but maybe it cannot be shown from the outside... it's harder to tell and to show. So, others may think you don't love each other, that the end is near...but on the inside you both know it's love you share, no matter what.

    Fourth stanza: In relationships, sometimes you do test your significant others love... by saying or doing something that could potentially make them angry, and see how they react. It's just something that happens sometimes... for some unknown reason, lol. To see if they pass the "test" ... it's like a game, I guess. That's what I interpreted from this stanza, anyway.

    Fifth stanza: This ending screams heartbreak to me, that no longer is the love blazing, it is ice cold...shattered in pieces, no longer able to get any source of heat. Truly sad knowing that at one point they had such passion.

    Loved this poem from start to finish, great job!

  • 10 years ago

    by TSI25

    This was a fantastic poem, truly fantastic. It remind me of a quote i cant quite recall... something about how all the fire and passion of love fades over time, always, what matters is how entwined you are with your other at the time that fire goes out, because its that connection that will see you through the rest.

    the only thing i didnt like about this piece was the shift in perspective at the end. throughout the whole piece i feel as though we are talking about these two almost ethereal lovers, grand as two celestial bodies dancing in graceful loops, to as simple as the love two kids feel for one another; uncompromising and naive, to everything in between. but at the end we switch from what feels like they and them to you and your. i think that switch weakens what would be an extraordinary finale.

    other than that, the ending was beautiful, i can still see the shards of frozen fire, and pieces of broken heart glistening on the ground.

    definitely a sad end to a passionate beginning.