Moving home

by Aaron feast   May 17, 2013

Oh baby today has been such a giggle,
Even more so when you an lil dude tickled my middle.

We started with a bacon an onion roll or 2,
There is no one i'd rather be sat with baby than you.

We was sitting waiting for our bacon bun,
When i pointed out lil dude an his lil white bum.

Off we go to hand the exchange paper work in,
Me and you living together 1 thing i could never have foreseen.

Were up in the loft clearing stuff for the dump,
When you bent down an your head did go bump.

We are done now an finished for the day,
I love you em what more can i say.

I'm home now getting washed and fed,
Your still here with me baby in my head.

I cant wait to come back an see you,
I've missed you baby Yes its true


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