People Say, Reality Is

by Lifesbreath   Jun 13, 2013

A Dime a Dozen, One in a Million.
More Fish in the Sea, Gold Fish in a Bowl.
Holy Matrimony, A Race to the Finish Line.
When is friendship lost to the schedule of progress?
The institution of marriage seems to be more of a race,
to financial and material attainment,
rather than love of each other and family.
The world keeps moving so fast it leaves us little time for rational thought.
What we need to do is slow down, love and appreciate each other.
That in itself would solve a world of troubles and problems.
Slow down America!


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  • 10 years ago

    by TheDarkCloudBehindthePoet

    PREACH BROTHER!! you hit the nail on the coffin with this. the world is moving light years every minute and never wants to slow down. if we could just take our foot off the gas maybe just maybe we will see our problems and learn how to fix them.

    The institution of marriage seems to be more of a race,
    to financial and material attainment,

    this part hit home because i am engaged to my college sweetheart and we won't actually get married until we are financially stable. it is about money sometimes over love. trust me id walk down to city hall just to make it official but marriage is mainly financial and i hate that it is.

    overall loved this poem good sir