Comments : Satisfied Breaths & Willow Whispers.

  • 10 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Great to have you back girl.

    I actually find a ton of sense in here Linda, and the calmer and more softer tone of this makes it stand out and I hope it speaks of a more relaxed you, even though the struggle is still evident.

    I love the nature and personal touch here with the painted toenails and the Willow tree as well. It is so beautiful and hopeful and that ending was just brilliant.

    I'm writing this on my phone so I apologise for mistakes and lack of substance to the comment.

    I love you girl, and this piece is beautiful as are you


  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Happy to see you back as well, Linda!

    "Who always rides on the wind and sweeps up the
    scattered, broken branches from the bending and failing trees?"

    - These were some of my favorite, what I think are the most memorable, lines. Loved how you brought the trees into this, something rooted deeply but that can have delicate branches, weak ones destroyed by storms and other forces of nature. Beautiful how you wrote this, like sometimes that is what we are, not always succeeding or going at life with our figures straight.

    I feel a journey in this piece, from knowing there won't always be moments of self-love or appreciation, but acknowledging moving ahead is the best way to go, that change as well can be healthy.....even if it's hard to let go.
    And of course, loved the title, it was vivid and inviting.

    Great, unique piece! Take care :]

  • 10 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    Well, hello beautiful! :)

    I adore your opening of inhaling lilac and turquoise peace... it instantly sets off a serene feeling.

    This second stanza holds so much imagery. Of painting your toenails with glittery polish, walking carefully so it won't chip or smudge ... kind of like tip-toeing around life metaphor. Maybe you are finally relaxed and content with life now, but are tip-toeing around afraid of something messing it up. I could be totally wrong, but it's how I read it right now. :) This could have many different meanings, just depends on the reader.

    I always love when a writer uses questions, letting the reader kind of make up their own assumption for the answers. This young woman goes around scooping up the broken pieces and mending them back. She isn't always perfect, sometimes she's toxic to herself and to others but in the end she only improves and grows... becoming more confident and strengthening herself to stand tall.

    Wonderful write, girl! :)

  • 1 year ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    wow, this was some comeback. The textures alone in this poem are exquisite. I like how you wash the background with colour/sent and then describe an intension through movement, travelling from one state towards another. The tree metaphors are affective, the willow, bendy and arguably more fragile, transcending into a superb, strong redwood.
    The end, a little sober tone, like 'what will others think' - I hope you found your limbs strengthened into that glorious red we all know and love.

    Take care.