Comments : Your Dark Angel

  • 10 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    Oh wow, very different twist. Fallen angels aren't commonly associated with love. I like it. Great job.

  • 10 years ago

    by ThebutterfliesMuse

    I agree with kiley here there is a big twist in here. I love the dark angel element. Depression falls in love with someone who captures her heart.

    The imagery you use through out the whole poem is mind blowing. I truly love all the metaphor you use to show you are truly in love. I can always imagine breathing in her love's presence and the holding hand thing is so sweet a simplistic. Yet so romantic. I see picture the smiles and glaces shared when they share fingers. I feel their hearts murmur as one as well.

    I love the last lines because love can truly make you soar. No matter how broken you feel its always great to feel your heart live! You are my saving grace that line has so much power. Even though your the angel he is the one who saves you. I love the irony and great symbolism there. Overall its great indeed. 5/5 andd nominated if I can and if I can't I would!

  • 10 years ago

    by Kate

    Love it.

    And I am sure she is willing to take on any challenge that might be thrown at the two of you along the way. You said that you are an angel and no one would ever want to see their angel crash.

    I like how easy the poem is to relate to. This deep sense of worry when you're in love like "what if they love someone else too of find someone better? I'd be happy and let them to but she/he is my only light". It is a constant battle within the mind of asking yourself in you are good enough and thinking the other deserves much better or if things will work out because you've always ended up ruining everything else. I've had those thoughts myself. It shows the pleading and deep side of the poem.

    Sad definitely but there are glimmers of hope, no doubt.
