A Reason to Love Your Enemy

by Sean Ash   Aug 4, 2013

Why should I not fight for others just as hard as I would fight for my own?

When you have a friend or a brother that is in conflict with the other/stranger, people tend to defend what they love, and what they love is what they know, as how can someone possibly love a thing or a person they do not know?

It is rational to defend ones own but paradoxical in a sense as what if you did know your brothers or friend's enemy? Surely the dynamics then change as you then become the peacemaker trying to resolve the conflict between the two through compromise rather than drawing for arms.

As you can see, we love what we know, hate what we don't know and only when we try to know and begin that educational process can we become peacemakers rather than tribalistic enemies of one another.

A flower is of a different thing to me, but I would mediate by asking others not to step on them. Animals are not of me, but I would step in to prevent harm if needed. It shows that we can love the things we don't know just as much as the things we do know if only we try to overcome the fear that carries alienation and instead try to understand the other.

Other exists in Brother.


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