Comments : Attachment

  • 10 years ago

    by Britt

    I absolutely absolutely absolutely love the content in this poem.

    I love the metaphors and the images you paired with them, I thought they really meshed well together and made an awesome connection. There is SO much attention to detail in your poem, from padlocks on bridges, beer in Prague, ideas of cities and your attachments etc... It's chock full of images and there is so much to take in, that you forget the emotion behind it at first to drink it all in. I've read this four times in a row and get a different idea every time, and seemingly pick up something I missed the last time through.

    I really like the somersaulting in both salt and sweet water ever since my birth. What a thought.

    The emotional content here is overwhelming, too, once I allowed myself to get past the images. The main key I felt here was trust -- you don't trust people, places, things, yourself... everything reminds you of another reason you can't allow yourself to fall (in love, in happiness, in peace.. anything). I thought that was really awesome to keep throughout the entire poem. The ending makes me think that you're sticking it out, perhaps... or you're forever scarred because of this person in your life. I'm a bit torn on how I feel on the ending because it makes me seem like you love him anyway (love is bitter, even though the wallets full, and you aren't going to go broke again). Maybe you won't bet on him again? You did before, you won the money, but the lost the REAL bet? OOH I like this idea... lol really thought I am curious your intent here.

    I will say this... and I normally never have a criticism for your poetry..

    I really don't like the layout. It ended up having SO many run-on feeling lines, and I think if you broke them up into a more traditional "poetry" stanza it might give it a stronger effect (I actually split it into stanzas myself to read it a few ways lol).

    So I really love this poem, but the ONLY thing I don't like is this layout. That being said it's still in my favorites, lol.

  • 10 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    Holy crap kid...

    Woooowww!!!!!! Can I borrow this to recite at poetry night sweet baby jesus

    • 10 years ago

      by Saerelune

      Thank you Yaki, sure you can, be sure to let me hear it, this was meant to be spoken by a stronger voice. :)

      Britt, thanks again, I didn't really like it at first because as you said, the images seemed very overwhelming but since I wrote this to keep up with my train of thoughts I thought it'd be better in prose-form. I changed it though and it seems less clogged now! What d'you think?

    • 10 years ago

      by Saerelune

      I don't know why I keep double posting today. o.O

  • 10 years ago

    by Britt

    You have now made it perfect ;)
    NOMINATED! I love how you broke it up and think its that much stronger!

  • 10 years ago

    by Piogga

    Your poetry always moves me. In love with your metaphors as well! x