Comments : Insidious

  • 10 years ago

    by Alanis

    Wow wow wow, you get better with every poem you write, its on a different level of intensity and emotion, this is a Evolution of the poetry world. This is truth put in a charismatic order, this is pure genius

    • 10 years ago

      by DarkLight

      Thanks, I owe you much.

  • 10 years ago

    by L

    I have seen this before, and I have pondered about it before, it's another side of the coins. I did like how you put everything together. And your attempt at opening people's eyes.

  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This was very interesting to read especially when poets can discuss life issues, ones that we may be "taboo" or we hear about so often that we brush aside new ways of thinking.

    The part about education leading to sin made me think of how good power, in a controllable amount, like in a positive leadership can be beneficial. However if brought into the wrong hands, someone will abuse that power, abuse the power of teaching.

    Good point also about a world free from reality. That is true indeed that we can convince ourselves an issue doesn't matter, or that we are at a healthy point in our lives, when in reality, we don't see the parts we need to take care of.

    I also liked your consolation on this, your encouragement to look into our hearts, find our light and spirit to live on. I also felt compelled to find the truth and not just accept what my own eyes see. There is a gift in telling the story of another and reviewing it, not necessarily agreeing with one but trying to understand.

    A few spots specifically here I will comment on:

    "To you is just another adventure."

    - What is another adventure? Say what you're referring to here.

    "Am I seeing this story right?
    I think am right,"

    Second line should read "I think I am right,"

    Good poem, thank you for sharing. I liked the repetition of "the story of what I see" because if we really look around us, aren't blinded by indifference, what will we truly find?

    • 10 years ago

      by DarkLight

      Thanks Poet, eye opening lesson, I owe you big.