Comments : Night dreaming

  • 9 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    Damn!!!I can't believe you've had 383 views but no comments or votes in almost a year!!! Are people bad??? Ok yes, this poem needs a little work (stanzas) bit it's so gorgeous!!! Your words are beautiful, perhaps I'm biased as I've been a situation similar to yours, just that it was my ex (and first love) having a kid with the girl he got with 14 days after we ended two and a half years, and all the lies that went with that,I can really relate to this poem, to fantasizing for endless nights about someone who you speak to on the phone and see pictures of and who's words you fall in love with, but you never actually meet the person and so your mind creates it's own idea if who they are and you fall in love with that idea only to be left shattered and broken on the floor.but anyway, what a stunning poem, just work O'the stanzas :-)

    • 9 years ago

      by Dyce

      I will work on that for sure. :) its the feeling you cannot explain but it feels good