
by Esperanza N M Ramirez   Mar 20, 2014

I keep forgetting you can't read minds
let me speak of mine when you come to mind.
I know I speak of you in such a way a writer
that is writing a love story, I write novels of my love for you.
I've shown you only a few of those sweet words of mine
no one can compare to you, your very special to me.
You're the only soul I crave to have near.
You're the reason for this beautiful smile that lingers on my face.
I admit I miss you a lot when you're not near,
I crave for your touch in a way person craves for air.
Never doubt the love I have for you,
because it runs so deeply in my veins.
I could write for hours about how much I feel for you,
I could write a book with all the ways I get
when I'm near you, it's beautiful.
You're the reason for all the writing
I've done for the past years,
you've gave me a reason to pick up that pen
that I've sat down for many years.


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