Comments : Like two white Doves

  • 9 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    This reminds me of how in some community, families don't accept the child's partner and their very own family attack sometimes even kill them. But love is stronger then that and no matter what it can't be destroyed.

  • 8 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    This is beautiful Luce. There were a lot of things running through my head as I read this. The obvious being that you are in love, and that love flutters over everything, but while you are in love, there is always people who try to stop you. which is where the tigers came in. I love the metaphors you have used here. The doves represent peace and love even, and the tigers are your enemy so to speak. But no matter what happens, Love will win out if you want it to. 5/5