Comments : Weeping Ink

  • 9 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This is my second time reading this, and each line hits me even more. The idea of "weeping ink" and the reality of the battle between your heart and the pen. It's powerful to me, and I like how you separated the last line. It makes me think, well, losing control may not necessarily be a good or bad thing. It may be uncomfortable and frustrating as anything for us, but it also is somewhat mystifying, that something new can be found through that ink that spills over. Is that then our heart taking over instead of our mind and thoughts we try to wrap our head around?

    Neat lines about your body running out of fuel and that fear that you won't have that spirit, that muse left. That you won't be able to run, to write, anymore. Really interesting aspect with the warrior line as well, that added such depth to this piece. It makes me wonder if the "empires" are just different versions of you, past, present, future that you don't know how to deal with... or if there are burdens you witness in the world that you take upon yourself. Just some thoughts, loved reading this piece!

  • 9 years ago

    by Zabadak

    This is a superb poem, full of descriptive imagery and metaphorical expression that is very straightforward to understand. I love the idea that the pen takes over, won't let go, and wants to express your emotions to help you cope! The second verse is also superb, expressing the worry about what you will do if you 'run out of ink', your fuel, and can't write anymore! Beautiful! Of course, that will never happen, because you have a symbiotic relationship between your pen, the ink, the paper, your heart and your soul, and you still obviously have lots to say! The third verse is a great description of this unknown warrior, who you say is unknown, but who I think is an integral part of you that you know very well through your writing! Love the title 'weeping ink'! Excellent poem, Saff!

  • 9 years ago

    by Meme

    I always find myself lost for words when I read your poetry, I just find myself connected to it!

    This reminds me of my own poetry, with the use of wording and emotions.

    Amazing Saff :)